Monday, 27 February 2012

Potentino Goes to Ireland 29th February-2nd March 2012

So... Charlotte and I are off to the Emerald Isle for a whistlestop tour with Stuart of Fromvineyardsdirect Ireland. If you know of any potential Potentino fans in Ireland, do spread the word!

Wednesday 29th February
6:30pm onwards
Tasting with Fabio's Amiata Salami and Aldo and Angela's Unpateurised Pecorino Cheese
42 Dawson Street,
Dublin 2

Thursday 1st March
€46 (including three glasses of wine, one of each)
Please book via FVD's website here

Friday 2nd March
€50 (including three glasses of wine, one of each)
with a talk from Charlotte
Please book via the Gallery's website here

Dinner Menu
Pasta with Bottarga Pesto (served with Piropo)
A tasting of the new season olive oil
Sausages cooked in wine, Fave e Foglie (broad beans and bitter greens) (served with Sacromonte)
Unpasteurised Cheese from Angela and Aldo's flock of sheep raised on Monte Amiata (with Lyncurio)
Chocolate pots with Maldon Salt and Lavender and Potentino Olive oil. 

All our ingredients will come from Italy or sourced locally in Ireland.

If you can't make it... but would like to buy some wine...
Charlotte's wines can be ordered from From Vineyards Direct Ireland or UK.
Please click here for the Piropo and here for the Sacromonte. Delivery is free. The Lyncurio is also now available too.
Please click here for the Piropo and here for the Sacromonte. Delivery is free. The Lyncurio is also now available too.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Snowy Potentino

We are in the midst of a week of proper wintery weather. Minerva, the Great Dane is loving the snow. I thought I would post some photographs. Mini really didn't know what to make of Robi's snowman... she hid...

Wildflower and Foraging at Potentino

It is hard to imagine, given that it is snowing outside here at Potentino, that in 4 months time, we will be sorrounded in a green paradise of orchids and wildflowers and that we will be foraging for some of the wild plants to eat.

One of the most extraordinary things about our valley, owing to its lack of modern agricultural practices, is that we have an amazing variety of flora here- along with wonderful insect life and birds. The orchids are so prolific that at times you have to tiptoe through the fields. We even have the very rare lizard orchid.

Rose and the huge rare lizard orchid

May is a great moment to come and visit - picnics in the olive groves, walks along the valley and trips to some of the local sites will be organised.  We will have a wildflower  and foraging expert on hand to help you find and identify plants and to give you guidance on what to pick to eat. Charlotte and I will then cook foraged ingredients for your dinner. One of our favourite dishes in May is the first feathery sprouts of wild fennel: lightly cooked with anchovies and a little garlic and olive oil they make a delicious pasta sauce. For the foodies, I am sure there will be even more treats in store.

Other highlights include:
A visit to the wonderful gardens at La Foce,  the renaissance jewel of Pienza and to the local monastery at Sant' Antimo.

The Details
The course will run from 16th-22nd May and costs £1,100.
The cost will include your stay and all food and wine at Potentino for 6 nights. It does not include flights or any meals outside of Potentino (during the day trip away).

Please book by sending me an e-mail at

Getting to PotentinoFlights to Pisa Airport are easiest, although one can fly to Rome or Florence and hire a car. We will be collecting people from Pisa prices to be confirmed depending on numbers.

We have written directions for those who wish to hire a car.