Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The double-edged rain

It has been raining here for much of the week- a nice break from the sun and needed to help the vines grow, but in Italy it doesn't rain lightly and every rain storm brings with it the risk of hail... each sudden downpour has me fingers-crossed hoping that it isn't going to hail. The hail would rip through the vine leaves destroying everything. A few years ago the hail stones were so big that the local FIAT garage had to sell off its entire stock at a discount because the car bonnets were peppered with dents- apparently the hailstones were the size of lemons. A local bar has one in its freezer still to show the unbelieving.
E' cosi la vita Italiana...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a message to Charlotte Horton from Otavio Peixoto, writing from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At this point, I don't even know whether Charlotte will remember me, but we met in Cairo, Egypt in 1997 and I had the supreme pleasure of staying with her (and her gracious mom) for a whole week at their Montepò Castle near Grossetto in September 1998 (God, it feels like yesterday!). I was perusing wine blogs aimlessly on a sunny Sunday morning before hitting the beach in my native Copacabana and found Charlotte yet again, thank God for Mr. Gates and the Internet Revolution... ;-) Anyhow, if Charlotte ever gets to read this message, I would like to send her my love and tell her of my profound admiration for her unique lifestyle and exquisite taste in wines and assorted libations... Cheers! Otavio Peixoto, AIIC Conference Interpreter, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; email: otavio.peixoto@uol.com.br